Stanley Llewellyn Jehu
May-24-1941 - September-26-2023
Steve Legault posted a condolence
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Sorry to hear about Stan's passing. My big thrill was playing the drums with you and Dave when you practiced on Weekends. Farewell my friend. Happy Trails
Steve Legault, Lachine
Dawn Sparling posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Thank you for passing this on. Stan was a very good and fun man. Unfortunate news like this reinforces
the fact that as we enter the home stretch, we have to keep living and enjoy life to the fullest
All the very best to Stan’s family and Congratulations on a life lived well.
Bob McIntosh
Sad news! Stan looked as handsome as ever in his golden years.
He and his brother David were both talented and interesting men. Stan was a Librarian at McGill.
Eleanor Arless
Yes a sincere guy. Sad news.
Steve Arcand
So sorry to hear about Stan. David and I were very close to him in the 60’s. We camped with him and
one of our fondest memories was when the group (Brian and Betty Sullivan, Michael O’Brien and Helene
Binette) took over Stan’s aunt’s boathouse in Lancaster for a weekend. The girls slept in the boathouse
and the guys (if my memory serves me) tented it.
The late 60’s was a super time for us and our association may have continued if we did not leave for a
year in Europe in 1969 returning to relocate to Toronto for a few years.
Dear Stan, rest in peace.
Dave & Darlene Kerr
I played with Stan a few times. He would arrive with his sax over his shoulder. His case served for the
transportation of his provisions which he generously shared.
All round nice guy!
Doug Gough
Stan was exceptional. Not only his quiet , smooth, deceptive running style but truly a pleasure to be with.
Great memories of Stan, Chuck Wood and Johnny Novasad.
Don Taylor
Some sorry news. I didn't know Stan but knew about him. As a musician I thought his piano and organ
playing was incredible and wished I could do the same. All in all he seemed very gifted. I hope he had a
good life.
Bob Elvidge
I sure do remember The Hounds. Stan will always be that young guy to me!
Noelle Jack
I remember my first high school dance, John Grant High 1957 and the hounds were the attraction. Ron
Mould vocals and guitar, Jim Custy, Guitar, Stan Jehu, sax, brother Dave Jehu drums and the bass
player whose name I can’t remember. It inspired me to learn to play the guitar and eventually become a
member of Terry and the Pirates
Gord McCutcheon
What a lovely tribute
Anne Harris
What a lovely photo of Stan. I remember him well from high school and from Sir George and did not
realize he was such an accomplished musician.
Deborah Hoffman
Other condolences were received from :
Bob Smith, Bev Keiran, Terry Banks, Jerry Bertin, Barry Wright, Ron Vokey, David Andrews
Norm barry posted a condolence
Monday, October 23, 2023
Norm and I will always keep you in our hearts. Fond memories of you with Gracie, Cliff, David and Bonnie. Happy times and wonderful humor in Moore’s N.Y. We also hope that you can spiritually connect with our beloved son who we just lost recently.
Your loving cousins, Norm and Judy.
James Walker posted a condolence
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Stan I'm sad that you're gone .You were such a good friend. I always thought of you as being my brother. I enjoyed being with you and playing music with you. You were a wonderful person. I will never forget you. Bye for now.
Elizabeth Bildfell posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
I met Stan in the 70's during a trip to Montreal with Mike [Myles) who recounted tales of Stan's football prowess and his musical talent as a member of the Hounds. Stan struck me as a quiet, warm, generous and kind man with a quick wit. And that impression remained true many years later. I am sorry to hear that he was taken so quickly My deepest sympathies to the family. Grieving is hard and there is no “right” path to go through it. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know; i am a phone call, letter or message away.
Elisabeth Amey posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
On this Thanksgiving Day, my gratitude for the long and wonderful friendship that I had with Stan.
Modest, with a great dry sense of humour and even better laugh, Stan was an exceptional person in so many ways.
We met in the mid~eighties in RefCats at the McLennan Library at McGill.
Quiet, and never one to trumpet his acccomplishments, he often talked about his shyness with me, and the efforts that he had made to overcome this and other things during his life.
Highly resourceful, he had created a satisfyingly rich life surrounded by all that he loved~nature, Peggy, his family, Bob and, of course his dogs, and the various birds that he tended to.
My heart goes out to the friends and family of Stan, Tommy, Dave, Bonnie and Robbie.
But most especially to his partner Peggy.
We could well use more people like Stan in this world.
Elisabeth Amey.
Margaret Blandford posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
David and I worked with Stan in the library at McGill for almost 30 years. We were pals. He was so much fun to work with. He managed to secure the best desk at the back of the room so he could see everything that was going on. We went out for coffee breaks daily for years and laughed most of the time. He would leave jokes on library cards, written or drawn pictures on my desk quietly waiting for loud guffaws. I still have them and bring them out for a good laugh. He was quiet but oh so funny. We were his groupies when he had his various musical groups. Our favourite was Larry and the Checkmates. They played at our wedding and were wonderful. Stan was a terrific and kind friend. He and Tommy helped us move after we got married. He would visit and always sit down at our piano with David standing beside him and start playing Sink the Bismarck. We would roll around laughing as he started the song. He would say "I was born in 1941" as he played. He was so fun to be with. He came to a Halloween party at our new home dressed as a tree. He had branches sticking out of his sweater at the back - again hilarious. We never got together once he moved to Ontario with Peggy but would call each other or send a birthday card. We last talked May 24th on his birthday and we could hear him playing his piano as Peggy answered. He was in great spirits and said he was regularly going to the gym! When Peggy emailed me from Stan's account 2 days before my birthday my immediate thought was It Was Stan! We were heartbroken to hear the news and will cherish our memories of the talented, sweet, generous and funny Stan. xo
Peggy Kelly posted a condolence
Saturday, October 7, 2023
I knew Stan through the seniors exercise classes and concerts in Lanark Village. He was a kind and thoughtful man who loved jazz and encouraged all kinds of creativity. He was also modest about his music career. Thank you Stan. You will be remembered.
Claudette posted a condolence
Thursday, October 5, 2023
What can I say about a truly wonderful friend and confidant!? I was Stan's former wife many many years ago and I thank God that we were able to, after a time, remain good friends. Rest in peace. May your voyage be gentle- May you hear your beautiful music, and may your laughter continue to resonate wherever you are.
My deepest sympathy to all who mourn you. With great love and a heavy heart my friend, I say Adieu.
Sandra Dawson posted a condolence
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Peggy and family, so sorry for your loss.
Sandy & Derrivk Cooke
Graeme Keeping posted a condolence
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Truly an awesome guy! We we're born days apart in May '41 and I remember Stan most from his extraordinary football performance as QB spiraling to me, a not-so-lofty tight end on the Lachine team. Stan was simply "the coolest". We weren't what you'd call buddies, but I was in that circle of pals that experienced Stan's humor, patience, and gentle all round kindness. Of course he had that musical talent in the Lachine High days--but if anyone asked what you thought of Stan, the response would lean toward character rather than his extraordinary talent. In those days, if you were ever asked who you'd admire most, the answer would be Stan Gehu.
We all went our ways and completely lost track so I knew nothing of Stan's post high school pursuits, but in a obit filled with praise for kindness, friends to under-dogs, real dogs and general respect for those around him. Truly a remarkable and memorable guy!
Judy Kolonics posted a condolence
Thursday, October 5, 2023
It was a shock to learn of Stan's sudden death. I had the pleasure of working with him in "Cataloguing" back in the day at McGill University. He was such a fun person, quiet but with a tremendous sense of humour. Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss for you all.
Judy Kolonics
Montreal, QC
The family of Stanley Llewellyn Jehu uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

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